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Together for a better world

The projects of the Blue Glacier Association©


Millions of farmers


Tonnes of CO2 saved/hectare

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Farmers participating in the BlueGlacier© project commit to cultivating at least ten percent of their land in accordance with the high sustainable certification standards of the Blue Glacier Association©. Participation is possible from a total farm area of 1 hectare. Agricultural scientists determine local needs and bring the proceeds from emissions trading to farmers in the form of assets and educational programs. Yields increase and prosperity grows.

100% of the profits from the sale of the grown products go to the farmers and the families themselves decide at what price, how and to whom they want to sell their products.

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Development instances

In cooperation with international UN-ECOSOC organizations with consultative status, the Blue Glacier Association develops CO 2 -compensating environmental projects to the point of international trade readiness, thereby building a direct bridge between farmers and financial markets. Local expertise monitors the farmers according to the requirements of the international community and further develops their production on an organic basis in order to obtain the Blue Glacier© certification.

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International CO 2 trading

With the certificates of the Blue Glacier Association©, companies worldwide can neutralize their CO2 emissions. The controlled development of the areas through modern technologies and educational programs ensures stable prices and long-term planning in emissions trading. The companies can secure their climate protection goals over several years and have direct access to further options. Supervision by the strict guidelines of a UN ECOSOC organization with advisory status guarantees transparent structures and high quality in project development.

Image by NASA

The 17 goals of the United Nations

As a partner of a UN ECOSOC organization, the goals of the Blue Glacier Association are based on the 17 goals of the UN Agenda 2030. The Agenda 2030 "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a global plan to promote sustainable peace and prosperity and to protect our planet. Since 2016, all countries have been working to translate this shared vision of fighting poverty and reducing inequalities into national development plans. By developing and expanding carbon-positive areas (Goal 13: Climate Action), investing in training farmers (Goal 4: Quality Education), promoting industry and innovation (Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and expanding international relations (Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development), the Blue Glacier Association has a direct influence on all 17 United Nations goals.

Who we are

We are politicians, diplomats, environmentalists and entrepreneurs. Scientists and visionaries. We value and cultivate friendships from the most remote village well to the highest political and economic levels. We are idealists.

And we are realists. There is still a lot to do.

Join us in creating sustainable value from development-promoting environmental protection projects in the Blue Glacier Association’s Giving Back system.

Image by Deirdre Corcoran Foote
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